Jumat, 08 Mei 2020

Regulating Pleasure: A Critical Addiction Studies Anthology unlimited_Acces

Read and download eBook By : Robert Granfield ( Regulating Pleasure: A Critical Addiction Studies Anthology ) in PDF, EPub online.

Regulating Pleasure: A Critical Addiction Studies Anthology
by Robert Granfield



Synopsis : In light of the conceptual imperialism of addiction and its associated biological reductionism, it is essential to keep alive critical perspectives on addiction that expose the historical and cultural interstices in which the disease concept of addiction is constructed. The readings selected for this anthology include both the classic foundational pieces and cutting-edge contemporary works that constitute critical addiction studies. The diverse array of human troubles now lumped under the umbrella of "addiction" are too painful for too many millions of people and affect too many public policy issues to be left to reductionist doctrines. The hegemony of the addiction-as-brain-disease paradigm must be unpacked and interrogated.That is the purpose of this innovative text/reader by two of sociology s most distinguished addiction researchers and educators.

Details :
Author : Robert Granfield
Pages : 250 pages
Publisher : Routledge
Language :
ISBN-10 : 0415843294
ISBN-13 : 9780415843294

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